Message from PFM Chairman (January 2011)

Quality Property and Facility Management Award Among the seven categories of property/facility, a total of 155 nominations had been received by the deadline of 7 December 2010. The submissions were then subdivided into six groups and each was allocated with four experienced assessors (two were nominated by the HKIS and another two by the HKAPMC). The 24 assessors all sacrificed their Christmas holidays to target to finish all assessments by 7 January. I must take this opportunity to thank the tremendous amount of effort dedicated by our Council Members who had been helping as assessors and those members nominated by the HKAPMC. In the Organising Committee Meeting of 12 January, a total of 36 properties/facilities were short-listed to the second stage of the Award. This was indeed an extremely difficult task of the OC as members were deciding on decimal differences. Thereafter, a site inspection to these short-listed projects was immediately arranged on 22 and 23 January. A luncheon was also organised on 18 January during which all honorary jurors were invited to attend a short briefing session and to receive a progress report of the Award. Some jurors also expressed interest and participated in the site inspection on 22 and 23 January. May I remind all members that a CPD Conference has been fixed on 26 February (Saturday) and all short-listed finalists will be invited to present their submission to the panel of jurors. Members cannot afford to miss this important event of the Award if you wish to learn the precious management experience of the project teams. Please watch out for the Institute's broadcast for the details of the event. Besides, an Award Presentation Ceremony cum Banquet was also confirmed by the OC. This will be held at the Ballroom of the Sheraton Hotel on 25 March (Friday). I strongly recommend all of you to mark down these two important event dates in your diary. Proposed Regulatory Framework for Property Management Industry Some members may have attended the Discussion Forum held on 27 January. Initially, I must thank Mr David Leung, JP, Deputy Director of the Home Affairs Department, for spending his precious time to give our members a briefing of the captioned Consultation Paper. Besides, I must also thank members for their support in attending the Division's activities and offering their valuable comments. Indeed, there is still time before the consultation ends on 15 March. Whilst the Working Group led by Professor Eddie Hui is summarizing members' comments received at the Forum on 27 January, we still welcome further opinions from members, before we render our submission to the HAD. May I urge all members to forward your additional comments to me by emailing to [email protected] no later than 5 March, particularly those members who missed the Discussion Forum.