Message from LSD Chairman (February 2010)

Chinese New Year Greetings At this festive session, I wish all of you and your family a very prosperous, healthy and happy Year of Tiger. Kung Hei Fat Choy. The 6th Cross-Strait Geomatics Conference 第六屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會 第六屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會將於 2010年10月14至16日於澳門舉行。這個研討會是海峽兩岸,大陸、台灣、香港、澳門測繪各屆交流的平台,促進四地的測繪交流和合作,使測繪對社會的服務能夠越做越好。今年會議的主題是測繪發展面對的機遇和挑戰。現時測繪技術已不是只使用傳統的量度工具。新的衛星技術,遙感技術、電腦系統、通訊科技、資料管理、知識發掘、新的法規制度、不同的用戶需要、新的市場運作模式等方面的發展趨勢,使測繪專業的從業員須要連續不斷的更新自已的技能,才能給社會及市場提供其需要的服務。提升自我的技能是一種挑戰,但有了新的知識,便能擴.我們的視野,開拓新的服務範圍,為發展帶來機遇。這個研討會,正是探討我們將要面對的未來的好機會。歡迎大家積極參加和發表論文報告。(有關提交論文方法,請參閱我們學會的網頁 今次會議的主要研討內容包括: 信息化測繪與產業發展、深空探測與月球測繪、攝影測量與遙感探測、大地測量與導航、地理信息公共服務、空間信息基礎設施的建設及管理、應用測量等。會議亦安排了四個專題論壇: 應對全球變化的測繪服務、測繪產業的發展與合作、測繪專業資格認證制度、測繪學術研究交流與合作策略。特別為了預備參與關於專業資格的專題論壇和發展與內地專業資格互認,我們學會土地測量組成立了一個工作小組,編制介紹香港的測繪專業資格認證制度的資料( 例如香港測量師學會、注冊專業測量師、認可土地測量師),為專業資格互認做準備。 Media Luncheon - promotion of Land Surveyors expertise in monitoring of land movement and subsidence On 9 February 2010, the Institute organized a media luncheon for the Office Bearers, Divisional Chairmen and the spokespersons to meet the media. During the meeting, in addition to other land surveying services, we highlighted the land surveyors expertise in monitoring movement of the ground and structures. In view of the recent tragedy of building collapse and underground excavation works (tunneling, drilling, foundation works) involved in quite a number of major infrastructure projects, the impact of ground movement and the stability of the nearby buildings have to be assessed properly. The media were very interested in how our work can help to ensure the safety of the buildings situated on top of the underground works. CPD on monitoring of large area land subsidence using Radar Satellite On 25 January 2010, we organized a CPD on monitoring of large area land subsidence using Radar Satellite. Radar Satellite technology (InSAR) is a quick and relatively low cost method to detect ground movement over a large area (such as the track of the high-speed railway and the city area where there are changes in underground water level). After obtaining the overview deformation data of a large area using InSAR, the precise leveling technique can be used to focus the monitoring effort on the critical target areas. Appreciation for the LSD Assessors for the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) and Assessment of Technical Competence (ATC) We would like to express our sincere thanks to the LSD APC/ATC assessors for their hard work in processing the applications and assessment in 2009-2010. In addition to assessing the submissions and conducting interviews, the LSD Education Committee also organized APC Workshop for the candidates to help them to understand the APC requirements and to work towards the professional surveyor status. To show our appreciation to the hard work of the assessors, we hosted an appreciation dinner for them on 29 January 2010. Thanks very much to them for their guidance to surveyors of our next generation and their maintenance of the professional standard.