Message from YSG Chairman (April 2011)

Hong Kong Open Indoor Rowing Championships & Charity Rowathon 2011
Hong Kong Open Indoor Rowing Championships & Charity Rowathon 2011 was held on 20 March 2011 at Kowloon Park Indoor Court. This is the fifth year in a row for YSG to participate in the Rowathon. This year, YSG formed a strong team of 10 young members. They are Jerry, Jeff, Gigi, Ryan, David, Vincent and Keith. During the competition, the team was able to demonstrate our excellent team work and strength. The team tried their very best and had a pretty good performance on the day. Thank all for your effort.

Also thank YSG team, Carmen Wong and our Photographer Simon for his support to the activities.

Career Talk at The University of Hong Kong
YSG was invited by the Surveying Society of The University of Hong Kong and held a career talk for them on 15 April, 2011. We started with a brief introduction on the HKIS history, organization structure and the roles of surveyors under six divisions. We then divided into small groups for further discussion so that our YSG members were able to address enquiries and questions from each student. During the 2-hour event, we did not only provide latest market and industry information to the students, but also shared with them our personal experience of being surveyors. Students found our event very useful to their future career.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bette, Cyrus, Alison, David, Rex, Sylvia and Simon for their immense support throughout the career talk.

Upcoming Social Events
After the Hair Styling Class on 28 April 2011, there are 2 new upcoming social events scheduled in June:
Thai Boxing Class
Leather Cardholder Making Workshop

For more details of the events, please check out the information in Surveyors Times and the email broadcast. We look forward to meeting you in the class and the workshop!

We are Ready to Row!!
One of the YSG major events every year-Stanley International Dragon Boat Champions will be held on 6 June 2011. You are cordially invited to join the team, get wet and have fun with us in this festival! Regular practice will be held at the Stanley Beach every Sunday (from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm) until the race day. Please contact Mr William Lai via [email protected] for more details.

For the success of the YSG, we need your support, advice and participation in our coming events and our committee. If you are interested in becoming part of us or you have any enquiry about YSG, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. Or, you can attend our next YSG meeting at 7:00pm on 13 June 2011, at the HKIS premises.