Message from PFMD Chairman (October 2012)

本月初,我參與了一個十分有意義為期七天的北海道300公里慈善單車遊。今次是繼上年度完成環台慈善 1000 公里單車壯舉後再次參予慈善團體「點滴是生命」舉辦的單車籌款活動。今次能夠在太平洋水平線上踩單車,踩進一望無際的花海,享受與大自然交流的日子,洗滌身心,忘卻煩憂又能籌款幫助中國西北部缺水的國內同胞籌建大型集雨水窖及塘霸,真是一大樂事。這次我們一行 20 多人一起以雙腳踩單車,踩出彩虹,踩出人生的一次難忘經歷!我們第一天到達北海道二世古,經過一晚充份休息。第二天正式開始踩單車,是日需要踩 50 公里長的路途其中並有不少山路要克服,總體是環繞羊蹄山腳一個圈。 由於是第一天踩車,早上體力比較好,但下午爬坡時就顯得有點吃力。最要命的是最後踩回酒店的短短 3 至 4 公里的斜坡就有 7至 8 度的斜度,比較鹿頸還要斜。如果不是靠意志及團隊的支持,我想一半路程未到就會放棄。但能夠征服斜坡的滿足感相信所有單車友都明白是何等的興奮。

第三天由二世古沿著羊蹄山騎行 55 公里到留壽都。順帶一提,由於羊蹄山的山形與富士山極為相似,且山頂常有雲霧圍繞著,固有北海道富士山之稱。而附近環境極之優美。北海道盛產南瓜,沿途路餐時找了間小店品嚐,果然甜美甘香。第四天環繞洞爺湖踩車,享受湖光山色。不過天公不造美,午飯過後不斷下大雨及有雷暴。幸好完成一天 60 公里路程後,晚上入住溫泉酒店,除了可以享受浸溫泉消除日間的疲勞外,晚上在近岸的洞爺湖邊還有煙花表演!第五天由洞爺湖沿北太平洋海踩入室蘭,是日在進入室蘭時有很多上坡落坡的路程非常具挑戰性,不過慶幸經過多天的鍛鍊,總算勉強支持到底,完成 55 公里的行程。無論如何,想起登別的地獄溫泉,心情還是興奮莫明。
第六天也是最後一天踩車,教練在早餐時已表明今天各人要完成 80 公里路程,途中還有 2 、3 個比較鹿頸及大嶼山斜度的山坡要爬,大家要有心理準備接受挑戰。最後幾經辛苦用汗水加鬥志,咬實牙齦完成行程踩入支芴湖衝線。
Delegates from 深圳市前海現代服務業合作管理局人力資源處處長李峰先生、主任謝永剛先生及深圳市監理工程協會副會長傅曉明先生visited the HKIS on 27 September 2012. Sr Stephen Lai, SVP, together with other divisional representatives and OBs, rendered our warm welcome to the delegates. Since this was our first formal meeting, we exchanged views on how HKIS members could assist and actively participate in this exciting project. We also tried to ask for a mutual agreement on a more flexible licensing system for both individual professionals and companies compared to the existing arrangement under the CEPA. During the long deliberation, our guests responded positively by showing an open-minded approach to our recommendations and suggestions. But, of course, they need to overcome hurdles on making breakthroughs within the current legal framework of Mainland China, particularly in the area of setting up firms for professional practices.
I invited Mr Jack Chan, Deputy Director of the Home Affairs Department, for lunch with our President, Sr Serena Lau, and our Immediate Past Chairman, Sr Gary Yeung, on 26 September. Mr Chan took over the office from Mr David Leung last year. Currently, his office has been very businesslike in drafting the bills for Licensing both the Property Management Companies and Practitioners, as well as the BMO review. Apart from enjoying the food, we had a good time sharing our views on the aforementioned issues and took the opportunity to explain our stances again. Mr Chan also kindly accepted my invitation to join the HKIS Annual Dinner.
The CEPA committee has decided to visit Beijing by late November of this year. Hopefully, we will have a similar meeting schedule as last year. Sr Kenneth Chan and I will join this visit. We shall meet delegates from 中國物業管理協會and 北京物業管理協會, as planned, to follow up on the issues discussed last year.
On 5 October 2012, I was invited by the Department of Building & Real Estate at HKPU as its guest speaker as part of its mentoring nights. I explained the nature and prospects of the Property Management discipline of the Surveying Profession to a group of third and fourth year Property Management Degree program students. My experiences over the past few years, including this year, reinforced my belief that we need to put more effort into publicizing and educating university students to boost their interest in becoming professional PFM surveyors after graduation. After months of preparation, I am pleased to inform you that the Quality Property & Facility Management Award (QPFMA) 2012, jointly organized by The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies, will be opened for nominations on 1 November. This year, the main theme of the Award is “Championing Innovation Service through Quality Management”. Due to the overwhelming response to the 2010 Awards, we have introduced new award categories, such as the Tenant Purchase Scheme & Public Housing; the Home Ownership Scheme & Public Participation Scheme; the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and Institutional Facility Management, etc., in order to cope with the wider recognition of the QPFMA. Members’ attentions should be drawn to the launch announcement and I will keep you updated on it over the coming month.
Our division’s big day of the year is coming. The PFMD Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on 20 November 2012 at 7 PM at the Surveyor Learning Centre. Members are invited to join this annual event and, as usual, help themselves to the council’s treat of small chow after the AGM.