Property Management
PFM Surveyors as Property Managers have the overall responsibility for up-keeping the standard and enhancing the asset value of their managed properties.
The property managers should maintain the properties in a sound and safe condition. Well planned maintenance schedules can help to upkeep the facilities of the building well so as to maintain the building quality standard. Ongoing renovation and improvement are the keys to allow the properties held for investment purpose to compete with other newly built buildings.
They will also take care of the Building Fabric and finishes as these are the skins of the properties which gives an initial impression to your clients. Maintenance and condition monitoring of the properties are the areas required to be carefully looked at so that the properties will be upkept in a healthy and safe condition.
PFM Surveyors also need to maintain the building services and monitor their performance so that the breakdown rate should be kept to a minimum, failing which, the rental or the asset values will be affected because of such shortfall.
The property should be inspected on a regular basis as per the statutory requirements such as electricity installation inspection, landscape and structural survey. However, some minor survey not relating to statutory submission should also be considered such as regular water and air quality tests. These will set a very good practice for the practitioner to follow.
Property Managers should also help giving advice to the owners and occupiers on those works relating to statutory alterations and to issuances of licenses from government department
Administration of Deed Mutual Covenant is very critical to both the developer and the purchasers as it imposes those restriction, obligation and right on those owners. The property managers are required, if necessary, to enforce the DMC so that the conditions imposed will be strictly followed by the occupiers.
Apart from the above, the property managers are required to take enforcement actions under the existing house rules and the lease agreements or even following up on the court proceedings until the case is resolved.
PFM practitioners should be equipped with knowledge to effect adequate insurance cover to protect the owner?s interest in case of minor accidents up to big disasters resulting in bodily injury or death and monetary loss.
The issue is always easily to be forgotten which will have a great impact on owner?s financial burden but which can be avoided if managed by experienced property managers in a proper manner.
The property managers select suitable cleaning and security personnel by way of tender. Appropriate assessment together with Key Performance Areas or Indicators must be adopted for identifying the competent companies to take up the works under a partnership concept
Maintaining a good relationship with the staff, contractor, landlord, tenants and government departments in running a building is important to minimize the obstacles and hiccup likely to be encountered if this basic requirement is not met.
Property management includes different kinds of portfolio such as accommodations, car-parking, amenities and residents club house etc that require different kinds of skills and techniques all of which are within the work scope of PFM Surveyors.
Handling crowd control and community events are part of the duties of property managers in which detailed planning and careful logistic preparation are the key factors to success so that the activities will be carried out in a smooth, safe and secure manner.
Property Managers must be required to deal with crisis Management in different scenarios such as flooding, fire outbreak, bomb threat handling and gas leaking. They are well trained personnel to iron out the issues with a view to avoiding human injury and/or monetary loss.
We have the responsibilities to protect the earth by using environmentally friendly products, consuming less energy and minimizing waste in order to support the next generation and to protect the surrounding areas.
Waste separation and use of recycling paper should be encouraged in order to cut lesser trees and to reduce the volume of waste to be disposed into the dumping site.