青年组主席的话 (2022年4月)

The fifth wave of the pandemic is waning, but the general public, especially the elderly, still needs appropriate care from the community. In response to their needs and to help combat Covid-19, YSG and the HKIS Community & Charity Services Committee have joined the 義務 工作發展局 (AVS) to launch the 「行義抗疫 Let’s Do It」 Volunteer Project.

On 16 April, the HKIS formed a team of 25 volunteers to deliver care packs and food to those elderly who lacked support. A total of 47 elderly households were served on this day. I deliver my heartfelt thanks to those volunteers who joined the service. It is more blessed to give than to receive. May I wish all of you good health and continued safety and see you at upcoming YSG events!

2022年4月青年组主席的话 (全文)