
This month involves quite substantial works and activities, especially the preparations for the QPFMA 2024 Launch Day cum Seminar, which means finalising the award categories, award types, jury panel, assessment criteria, official website design/details, and logistical issues. They would not have been possible without the tremendous support/commitment of all OC members, jurors, and those who worked behind the scenes. This event marked a good beginning to the QPFMA and the PFMD anticipates more submissions from PFM industry practitioners, which should render a meaningful QPFMA to achieve the main award theme of “Professional PFM Services Establishing a Wellness Harmony Community”. Moreover, the PFMD’s OBs and Council members are proactively reaching out and organising various CPDs/events/activities in the coming months, so members please keep an eye out for the announcements and try to join the events. Meanwhile, please see below for further details...

物业设施管理组主席的话 (2024年3月) (全文)