土地测量组主席的话 (2023年4月)

Competition is Back!
I am pleased to inform members that the Create Your District Competition (CYD) is back this year after a three-year hiatus. This is one of the HKIS’s flagship annual activities to promote six disciplines of the surveying profession to students.

Along with fellow member Sr Jacqueline Kwok, I sat on the CYD 2023 Organising Committee (OC) on behalf of the LSD. For previous competitions since 2017 , most teams submitted either physical 3D models or multimedia videos for their entries, although Story Map could be submitted on a voluntary basis. This year, the OC adopted Story Map as the required format for all entries because it integrates the 3D models and videos. The objective is to familiarise the students with the use and application of GIS technology, which is a specialised field for land surveyors and employs open geospatial data available in CSDI. Story Map and GIS training will be provided to all participating teams in GeoLab.

2023年4月土地测量组主席的话 (全文)