土地测量组主席的话 (2023年10月)

LSD Annual Conference 2023

The LSD Annual Conference 2023 was successfully held on 14 October at the Regal Hong Kong Hotel with over 250 participants. This was the division’s first in-person annual conference since the pandemic. To attract younger participants, the LSD set a very special and affordable rate for Probationer and Student members. Consequently, almost half of the attendees were future land surveyors and that is really encouraging. Even one of the speakers from Singapore praised the division’s younger members for participating in this event.

One of the highlights of this year’s Conference was the participation of overseas guests. The LSD was honoured to have ten members from the Land Surveying Division of the SISV and four from Land Surveyors Board Malaysia fly in to attend the Conference. I really appreciate and thank them for their valuable support. 

The Conference theme this year was, “Connec t ing t he Ci ty wi th Geospatial Intelligence”. The LSD was truly honoured to have Mr Liu Chun San, JP, Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics, HKSAR Government, as its Guest of Honour and to deliver an enlightening opening keynote speech. 

The Conference was fruitful and thoughtprovoking with four successive sessions and two panel discussions in the morning and afternoon. Twelve speakers representing a wide spectrum of industries and sectors came to share their valuable experiences with and insights into using geospatial data, GIS, and geospatial technology to enhance smart mobility. For details of the speakers and their topics, please go to: https://tinyurl.com/ystkf67o ...

土地测量组主席的话 (2023年10月) (全文)