规划及发展组主席的话 (2014年4月)

 On 15 April, 2014, Sr Edwin Tsang and I went to Shanghai. On the morning of 16 April, we met the responsible professors of Shanghai Tongji University to finalise an agreement to provide a Bachelor’s Degree programme in Planning & Development at Tongji. In the afternoon, we met again to discuss the syllabus for the course. We found the course contents to be in order, so we signed the agreement.


At the same time, Tongji proposed the formation of a training centre with the HKIS to promote the Institute together with the degree course. We promised to forward its proposal to our General Council for consideration.


本人与曾正麟测量师于 2014  4  15 日到上海,并于 16 日早上与上海同济大学教授会面,以落实双方对开授《规划及发展测量师预备会员》本科课程的具体合作协议,并于下午讨论该课程的课程大纲。最终,我们对该课程的内容达成共识及签署了合作协议书

