青年組主席的話 (2023年9月)

YSG Charity Event: 福氣迎來慶中秋

YSG Charity Services held a Mid-Autumn Festival party, 「福氣迎來慶中秋」, on 16 September to celebrate the- traditional holiday and promote community engagement with the elderly. The event took place at TWGHs’ Chan Feng Men Ling Day Care Centre and attracted 16 volunteers.

The party began with energy as attendees enjoyed YSG-organised games such as Bingo and lantern riddles ( 猜燈謎). In addition, YSG set up interactive stations where participants could learn and practice traditional crafts, such
as lantern making, with its volunteers.

In line with YSG’s mission to give back, the event also included a donation drive in collaboration with its sponsors. YSG generously contributed mooncakes and daily necessities to support those in need.

YSG extends its gratitude to the dedicated volunteers, sponsors, and attendees who made the event successful. Their
support exemplified the spirit of YSG’s value and their commitment to making a positive impact on the community.

青年組主席的話 (2023年9月) (全文)