青年組主席的話 (2023年10月)

Time flies. It has been a fruitful year since my term started in November 2022. During my term, the YSG Committee worked to advance YSG interests and YSG would not have achieved so much without members' hard work. Among its achievements are: 

  • 30 CPDs with over 2,600 participants
  • Six social events with over 300 participants
  • Three charity events with 120 volunteers
  • A new Instagram page with over 700 followers

I offer my deepest gratitude to HKIS President Sr Paul Wong for consistently and unwaveringly supporting YSG throughout the year. His belief in the potential of the HKIS’s younger members empowered YSG to strive for higher goals and helped shape its growth.....

青年組主席的話 (2023年10月) (全文)