編號 : HKIS/S/202406
項目名 : The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 40th Anniversary Cocktail Reception
日期 : 2024-03-22
時間 : 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
註冊截止日期 : 2024-03-18
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 0
地點 : Owners Box, 3/F Members Stand I, Happy Valley Racecourse, Wong Nai Chung Rd, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
部門 : HKIS
主辦者 : The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
費用 : HK$380 for HKIS members | HK$500 for Non-HKIS members
名額 : First-come-first-served
詳情 :

備註 :

1. Online registration is accepted for this event. First-come-first-served. Walk-in is not available.

2. For non-HKIS members registration, please complete the registration form and return with payment to the HKIS Secretariat.

3. If payment by cheque: Cheques shall be made payable to “The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors”.

4. Successful registrants will receive an email confirmation.

5. All participating members shall arrange their own transport to the venue.

6. Once the reservation is made, the reservation fee is non-refundable.

7. Dress Code: Business attire *Tracksuit and jeans are not recommended

付款 : HKD 380
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Face-to-Face