物业设施管理组主席的话 (2023年11月)

PFMD Annual General Meeting 2023
The PFMD Annual General Meeting was successfully held on Tuesday, 7 November, at the Surveyors Learning Centre with 20
attendees, two students from PolyU studying for BSc degree in property management, and some proxies. I gave a brief account of the PFMD Annual Conference and activities connected with the Guangzhou/Shenzhen Property Management Associations, local professional institutes, etc. PFMD Honorary Treasurer Sr Amy Tang was pleased to announce a good surplus for the division generated from QPFMA and PFMD annual conference and CPD incomes.

Also, the following members were elected to the PFMD Council 2023-2025...

物业设施管理组主席的话 (2023年11月) (全文)