青年組主席的話 (2023年11月)

YSG Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Committee for 2023-2024
YSG successfully held its AGM on 6 November at the Surveyors Learning Centre. The following YSG Committee office bearers and members for 2023-2024 were elected during the meeting.

Thanks go to the 2022-2023 Committee for its unconditional support for and contributions to YSG during its first year after the pandemic was brought under control. With things returning to normal, some in-person events were held over the past year including CPDs, study tours, and our annual dinner.

I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Immediate Past Chairman Sr Wilson Ko for his leadership throughout the year. I look forward to working with the incoming YSG Committee to organise more events for younger members. Thank you everyone who attended the AGM and I hope to see you at YSG’s future events...

青年組主席的話 (2023年11月) (全文)